Friday, May 12, 2017

Gospel of Matthew Clip Art Index

About: It is generally agreed, upon the most satisfactory evidence, that St. Matthew's gospel was the first which was written. Eusebius, who lived a hundred and fifty years after Irenaus, says, that Matthew wrote his gospel just before he left Judea to preach the religion of Christ in other countries; but when that was, neither he nor any other ancient author informs us with certainty. The impossibility of settling this point upon ancient authority has given rise to a variety of opinions among moderns. Of the several dates assigned to this gospel, which deserve any attention, the earliest is A. D. 38.
Sample clip art from The Gospel of Matthew Index.
All graphics/illustrations/clip art on this web journal are free to download and use for personal art projects, church related hard copy or webpages. Images are not to be redistributed in any other collections of clip art online. Please include a link back to this web journal if you use the materials for web articles. Link back to

Sometimes multiple scripture using the same image are uploaded onto the same page. Keep looking on the post and you will find that there is a scripture from the Book of The Bible it is listed under here.
  1. "Our Father" Matthew 6:9 - The Lord's Prayer
  2. Young scalawags and scripture - Matthew 18:10
  3. The Beatitudes in Ukrainian - Matthew 5 (chapter, in Ukranian)
  4. Baptism by water and fire - Matthew 3:11
  5. Hiding Baby Jesus - Matthew 2:13
  6. Church Interior with Scriptures - Matthew 16:27 and Matthew 25:13
  7. Matthew 15:18 - woman with mirror
  8. Matthew 16:19 - the kingdom key
  9. Keys To The Kingdom - Matthew 16:19 and 18:18
  10. Matthew 24:32-33 - lesson from the fig tree
  11. Wrestling With The Flesh - Matthew 26:41
  12. Harvest Scripture and Lovely Illustrations - Matthew 9:37
  13. Secretas! - Matthew 12:36-37 (in Spanish)
  14. The Lady of The Lamp - Matthew 6:27
  15. The Black Sacred Heart Paired with Sacred Scriptures - Matthew 22:31, Matthew 28:18 and Matthew 22:37
  16. God's Chosen Servant - Matthew 12: 15-21
  17. "I Have Come With A Purpose" - Matthew 5:17
  18. "You Are Light for The World!" - all scriptures from Matthew, 5:14, 5:15 and 5:16
  19. Acorn Motif Escrituras en Espanol - Matthew 9:37 (Spanish)
  20. Remember The Faithful in South Africa - Matthew 13:44
  21. Illuminated Quotes by Jesus About Knowledge - Matthew 13:52
  22. Enter Through The Narrow Gate - Matthew 7:13-14
  23. Matthew 19:14 - Navajo little ones
  24. Illustration of Mary Nursing Jesus - Matthew 22:44
  25. Matthew 18:20 - Jesus, The Holy Spirit and two believers gathered in prayer
  26. The Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6: 9-13
  27. Matthew 5:18 - Series: A Pound of Cure
  28. Matthew 4:7 - part of a set describing the life of Danial
  29. Matthew 7:13-14 - Series: This Way Or That
  30. Tailpieces in Blue Floral Motifs - Matthew 11:28-30
  31. The Root of Jesse - Matthew 12:21
  32. Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done! - Matthew 6:10
  33. The Faith of The Centurion - Matthew 8: 8-9
  34. Matthew 19:4-6 - wedding party
  35. Wedding Scriptures From Ruth, 1rst John and Matthew - Matthew 19:5
  36. How to Follow Jesus - "call outs" based upon scripture Matthew 16:24-26 (conceptual)
  37. Matthew 21:28,29 - "call outs" with scriptures from Matthew 21:30-32
  38. Signs, Signs, Everywhere There's a Sign - Matthew 24:44 and Matthew 25:13
  39. Matthew 7:14 - Series: A Pound of Cure
  40. Matthew 11:28 - tiny bird boarder
  41. Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King - Matthew 21:9
  42. The Sermon on The Mount - Matthew 5:3, 5:4, 5:5, 5:6, 5:7, 5:8, 5:9, 5:10, and 5:11
  43. Matthew 7:6 - pig
  44. Wedding Rings - Matthew 19:5
  45. "And the two shall be one" - simple gold bands
  46. "Let Your Light Shine" - Matthew 5:16
  47. Matthew 23: 23-24 - man behind the mask
  48. The Beatitude Cross - Matthew 5: 3-12
  49. Peter Finds the Tax - Matthew 17:27
  50. The Healing Christ - Matthew 9 (story)
  51. The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like... - Matthew 13: 31-32, 31
  52. I have given you an example..." Matthew 20:24-25
  53. Building a Brick Wall, Including Scripture - Matthew 21:33 
  54. Study his word by lamp light - Matthew 4:4 
  55. Aim And Shoot - Matthew 5:22 and Matthew 26:52
  56. Scriptures About Hoarding...Matthew 6:19
  57. Scriptures for those without a home... - Matthew 25:40 and Matthew 5:16 
  58. Scriptures about false witness or testimony...Matthew 5:11
  59. Scriptures and A Spring Wreath   Matthew 6:28-29 
  60. Scriptures About Lepers  - Matthew 8:4 
  61. Be careful about how you judge another... Matthew 7:1,2 
  62. Head of John The Baptist - Matthew 14:11 
  63. "What is done in secret..." Matthew  6:6
  64. For those with heavy burdens... Matthew 11:28 
  65. Christening Time  - Matthew 18:10
  66. Apostles Appointed - Matthew 28: 19, 20 
  67. Knock and the door will be opened... - Matthew 7:7
  68. "Repent of Your Sins!" Matthew 3:1,2 
  69. Hands Bound Plus Scriptures - Matthew 27:2
  70. Jesus walking on water... - Matthew 14:29
  71. How blessed are the poor in spirit! - Matthew 5:3
  72. Fishing for people...  - Matthew 4:19
  73. "I have eyes for you." - Matthew 6:9 and 5:7
  74. Do unto others... - Matthew 7:12 
  75. Baby thinking hard...  - Matthew 6:34
Questions and Answers About the Gospel of Matthew:
  1. The meaning behind "The mother whose hour is come..."
  2. Did the Baptist Doubt Jesus' Messiahship?
  3. Herodias' Daughter - who was she, what did she request?
  4. Daughter of Jairus - Who was raised from the dead by Jesus?
This is the first video, here is the second by
The Bible Project. 

Last updated  August 5th, 2023

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