Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Life, Words, & Teaching of Jesus

Pictures of how Jesus may have looked or how people often imagine him to look.
This collection includes: pictures of Jesus, words of Jesus, illustrated quotes from Jesus etc... Not all scripture by Jesus are listed here. There are many more linked to throughout my other collections.
All graphics/illustrations/clip art on this web journal are free to download and use for personal art projects, church related hard copy or webpages. Images are not to be redistributed in any other collections of clip art online. Please include a link back to this web journal if you use the materials for web articles. Link to

Infancy & Childhood of Jesus Clip Art:
  1. "About My Father's Business"
  2. The Slumbering Savior
  3. The Baby Gives a Blessing
  4. The Holy Family Reads The Scriptures
  5. The Holy Family Including John the Baptist
  6. Remember who you are
  7. Jesus Grew and Grew
 Clip Art Pictures of Jesus:
  1. Jesus with Mary on His Right, John on His Left
  2. A youthful painting of Jesus
  3. The Mercy Seat
  4. Guercinos Ecce Homo
  5. Jesus surrounded by his followers...
  6. The Good Shepherd Collage
  7. Confirmed in Christ
  8. Pâques Clip Art
  9. KING of kings and LORD of lords
  10. Matthew 18:20 
  11. Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done!
  12. "Jesus I Trust You"
  13. Crown of Stars
  14. King of Heaven - Roi des cieux
  15. Jesus, Light of The World Indeed!
  16. Jesus, Light of The World - sun image
  17. He'll Carry You
  18. Word of God
  19. A New Day Has Come
  20. Jesus Holding the Scriptures
  21. "Sacratissimum Cor Jesu"
  22. "Shalom"
Jesus Quotes from Scripture, "call outs," and Scripture About Him in Clip Art:
  1. How to Follow Jesus
  2. Matthew 4:7 - framed quotes
  3. The I AM statements of Jesus from the New Testament
  4. Matthew 21:28, 29
  5. John 14:9
  6. The Word Became Human
  7. Illuminated Quotes by Jesus About Knowledge
  8. John 10:11
  9. John 15:16 
  10. "Walk Humbly with Me"
  11. "I have overcome the world"
  12. "You Are Light for The World!"
  13. The Word Made Flesh 
  14. The Sermon on The Mount
  15. Remember The Faithful in South Africa
  16. Matthew 16:19
  17. The Black Sacred Heart paired with sacred scripture
  18. Jesus warns against the teachers of the law
  19. God's chosen servant
  20. Christ's Temptation Be careful about how you judge another...
The Parables of Jesus Clip Art:
  1. Branches of The Vine 
  2. Begging at the rich man's front gate
  3. The Prodigal Son Parable with illustration
  4. Beaten and Left for Dead 
  5. Jesus Is Our Good Samaritan
  6. Mark 4: 31-32
  7. The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like...
  8. Herbert Moore's Prodical Son
  9. Illustrated parable of the sower...
Miracles of Jesus Clip Art: 
  1. "Now Fish for Men" black and white
  2. Loaves and Fish
  3. The Healing Christ
  4. Bathe in The Pool of Siloam 
  5. Wedding at Cana... 
  6. The Raising of Lazarus
The Ministry of Jesus Clip Art:
  1. Jesus casts out the money changers...
  2. Jesus heals the lame and the sick
  3. John Baptizes Jesus
  4. The Last Supper Painting
  5. Jesus, Mary and Martha
  6. John 19:2,3 
  7. "Be Mine" painting by Grimm
  8. Baptism of The Savior
  9. Jesus Teaches the Beatitudes
  10. Jesus Breaks the Bread
Jesus and The Children Clip Art:
  1. A greyscale illustration of Jesus and the children
  2. Christ with halo blesses children
  3. A Watercolor of Jesus Blessing Little Children
  4. Riding Piggyback
  5. Jesus Welcomes Children
Jesus Life, Death and Resurrection Questions and Answers:
 Who is Jesus?

Page last updated December 17th, 2021.

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