Friday, October 25, 2024

God's Present Judgement

        A man, who had once been an officer in the army during the great civil war between North and South, recorded a story he witnessed one day as he was lying wounded on the field of battle, and suffering terribly from burning thirst, he saw another wounded soldier of the opposite army lying near him and he was drinking from a canteen. As he looked over toward him and begged him to give him a little of the precious water, his enemy raised himself on his elbow and aimed his rifle right at him, prepared to shoot. At that very moment a bullet penetrated his enemy's head and he fell back dead. The surviving soldier thought surely this to be God's judgment, for the battle had ended and all who remained where left to die alone or be collected by ''sawbones'' or ''butchers.''

''Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind
exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness
grinds He all. - Longfellow.

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