Sunday, August 29, 2021

My Secret


SHALL I tell you what it is that keeps me singing,
Never minding whether it be shade or shine?
Tis because His own glad song is singing in me,
Tis because the Savior's joy is always mine.

Shall I tell you what it is that keeps me springing,
With a strength that smiles at sickness and decay?
Tis because the Life of Jesus fills my being,
And the Living Bread sustains me day by day.

Shall I tell you why my foes no longer vex me,
And my cares and fears and doubtings all are o'er ?
Tis because I've given my burdens all to Jesus,
And He leads me forth in triumph evermore.

Shall I tell you why my life is now so easy?
'Tis because this wretched self has ceased to be;
Once it caused me all my troubles, but it's buried,
And it is no longer I, but Christ in me.

Shall I tell you why I love to work for Jesus?
'Tis because His blessed Spirit works in me;
I have but to let Him use me, His the power,
Mine the recompense to share, the fruit to see.

Shall I tell you why I love to tell of Jesus?
Tis because there's nothing else so good and true;
There's no other name or story worth the telling;
Without Jesus what could helpless sinners do?

Shall I tell you why I'm watching for His coming?
Tis because of all my future He's the sum;
This will be my joy forever - Jesus only -
And I long, and look, and pray for Him to come.

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