Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Three Rings Represent The Trinity

This symbol "is dogmatic, reverent, and in every sense unobjectionable.  From unity as the centre, Trinity springs, yet the centre of unity is only found by the conjunction of the Trinity." Didron gives this as from a French Miniature of the thirteenth century.
       "Advent in the church is a time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It is the beginning of the Christian year and starts four Sundays before Christmas, December 25th. This year, Advent begins on November 30th. As part of the preparation, the church decorates for the celebration. A Christmas Tree is decorated with Chrismons. Chrismons are Christmas decorations with Christian symbols on them or made in the shape of Christian symbols. Some common shapes are..." (press video to read more)
Three-In-One, Holy Trinity Circles
simpler version

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