About: Apocalypse signifies revelation. It is however particularly applied to the Revelation which St. John had in the isle of Patmos, whither he had been banished. The testimonies in favor of the book of the Revelation being a genuine work of St. John the evangelist , are very full and satisfactory. Andrew, bishop of Caesarea, in Cappadocia, in the fifth century, assures us that Papias acknowledged the Revelation to be inspired. But the earliest author now extant, who mentions this book, is Justin Martyr, who lived about sixty years after it was written and he ascribes it to St. John. So does Iraeneus, whose evidence is alone sufficient upon this point; for he was the disciple of Polycarp, who was the disciple of John himself; and he expressly tells us, that he had the explanation of a certain passage in this book from those who had conversed with St. John the author. These two fathers are followed by Clement of Alexandria, Theophilus of Antioch, Tertullian, Origen, Cyprian, Lactantius, Jerome, Athanasius, and many other ecclesiastical writers, all of whom concur in considering the apostle John as the author of Revelation.
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Sometimes multiple scripture using the same image are uploaded onto the
same page. Keep looking on the post and you will find that there is a
scripture from the Book of The Bible it is listed under here.
- Women of The Bible Quotes, Scriptures and Inspiration - Revelation 12:5
- Key to the pit... - Revelation 9:1
- Keys To The Kingdom - Revelation 5:10
- Crown Quotes from The Bible - Revelation 3:11and Revelation 4:10-11
- Crown Quotes from Revelation - Revelation 4:4 and Revelation 6:2
- The Precious Lamb of God - Revelation 6:16 and Revelation 12:11 and Revelation 17:14 and Revelation 21:27 and Revelation 22:3
- Scriptures About Salvation: Fall Motifs - Revelation 3:20
- KING of kings and LORD of lords - Revelation 19:16
- Psalm 2 - Revelation 6:16
- The Root of Jesse - Revelation 22:16
- Signs, Signs Everywhere There's a Sign - Revelation 22:7
- Revelation 21:3 - Agnus Dei in stained glass window
- Revelations 3: 10 - a scribe at work
- Bring In The Harvest - Revelation 14:15
- The Alpha and Omega - Revelation 1: 8
- Illuminated Letters and Scripture from Revelation - Revelation 19:11 and Revelations 5: 9-10
- He is the First and the Last... - Revelation 1:17-20
- The Seventh Trumpet - Revelation 11: 15-19
- Remaining Faithful - Revelation 5:9
- The Choir In Green - Revelation 15:3-4
- "Repent of Your Sins!" - Revelation 2:5
- A Heraldic Dragon Banner
- New Life Scriptures + Butterfly - Revelation 21:5
End Times Scripture from Other Books of The Bible:
Questions and Answers About the Book of Revelation:
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