
Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Gospel of Luke Clip Art Index

About: Lardner thinks that there are a few allusions to Luke's gospel in some of the apostolical fathers, especially in Hermas and Polycarp; and in Justin Martyr there are passages evidently taken from it; but the earliest author, who actually mentions St. Luke's gospel, is Irenaus; and he cites so many peculiarities in it, all agreeing with the gospel which we now have, that he alone is sufficient to prove its genuineness.
Samples of clip art found in this Gospel of Luke Index.
All graphics/illustrations/clip art on this web journal are free to download and use for personal art projects, church related hard copy or webpages. Images are not to be redistributed in any other collections of clip art online. Please include a link back to this web journal if you use the materials for web articles. Link back to

Sometimes multiple scripture using the same image are uploaded onto the same page. Keep looking on the post and you will find that there is a scripture from the Book of The Bible it is listed under here.
  1. Christ's Temptation... - Luke 4:4, Luke 4:8 and Luke 4:12
  2. Laboring For The Lord... - Luke 10:2
  3. Afrocentric Clip Art of The Virgin - Luke 1:38 and Luke 11:27
  4. Herbert Moore's Prodigal Son - Luke 15:21
  5. Begging at the rich man's front gate...
  6. Church Interior with Scriptures - Luke 12:40
  7. He plays music for his sheep... - Luke 12:32
  8. Luke 15:10 - praying and worshiping angel
  9. Old and New Wineskins - Luke 5:37
  10. The Anointing of The Savior
  11. Give Generously - Luke 6:38
  12. The Prodigal Son Parable with Illustration - Luke 15:11-32
  13. Beaten and Left for Dead - Luke 10: 25-37
  14. In His Resurrection There is Hope! Luke 12:11
  15. A Purple Crown of Thorns - Luke 23:11
  16. The Black Sacred Heart Paired with Sacred Scripture - Luke 4:4
  17. Prutah of Widow's Mites
  18. The Words Which - Luke 24:44
  19. Give Thanks to The LORD, for He is Good! - Luke 1:50
  20. A Transparent Celtic Knot on a Letter "D" - Luke 6:31
  21. Scriptures About Ancestors - Luke 11: 48-51
  22. Luke 24:46-47 - stained glass window with lily
  23. Illuminated Quotes by Jesus About Knowledge - Luke 12:2 and Luke 21:15
  24. Enter Through The Narrow Gate - Luke 13:23 and 24
  25. Connections Between Jacob, David and Jesus - Luke 1:32
  26. Jesus, Mary and Martha - Luke 10
  27. Luke 12: 27,28 - Easter jonquils
  28. When Samuel Was Young - Luke 2:22 and Luke 2:52
  29. The Lord's Prayer - Luke 11:2-4
  30. Luke 18:27 - "old timers" series
  31. Luke 19:41 - Bible Lands
  32. How to Follow Jesus - call outs
  33. Luke 24:32 - heart on fire for Christ
  34. Jesus is Our Good Samaritan - Luke 25-37
  35. Butterfly With Heart Patterned Wings - Luke 6:31
  36. Palm Sunday - Jesus rides a donkey: hands and palm leaves
  37. "The Wailing" - Luke 23:46
  38. The Healing Christ
  39. Luke 18: 31-34 - palm leaves, three versions
  40. Scriptures for those without a home... - Luke 3:11 
  41. Wisdom for those who are foolish... -  Luke 24:25
  42. Scriptures About Lepers  - Luke 17:12
  43. The Lord resists the proud... - Luke 1:51-52
  44. The innkeeper left in charge - Luke 10: 35
  45. The Samaritan arrives in time to rescue his enemy... - Luke 10: 33-34
  46. Robbed and...left for dead - Luke 10:30-31
  47. The way to treat the neighbor you don't like... - Luke 10:34
  48. The innkeeper left in charge - Luke 10:35
  49. The Samaritian arrives in time to rescue his enemy... - Luke 10:33-34
  50. "Do this in remembrance of me."  - Luke 22: 18-20
  51. Night of Fruitless Toil - Luke 5:1-11
  52. The Lost Piece of Silver - Luke 15:8
  53. Jesus' Night On The Mountain - Luke 6 12-16
The birth of Jesus and The Gospel of Luke by
The Bible Project - Watch also Luke Ch. 1-9

Page last updated September 9th, 2024

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