
Friday, July 6, 2018

The Archangel's First Visit

The Archangel's First Visit

Twas in the days of Herod--
First king of that proud name--
Who reigned over Judea,
The land of Scripture fame.

A certain Zacharias,
Of the large, priestly force,
The temple of Jerusalem
Was serving in his course.

His wife, Elizabeth, belonged
To Aaron's favored line;
And they were righteous before God,
And kept the law Divine.

But this couple had no children,
And they were very old;
And lived alone, nor ever hoped
A son they should behold.

And it came to pass one morning--
As Scripture doth record--
That Zacharias burned incense
On the altar of the Lord;

And outside the people waited,
And stood in silent prayer;--
For in this way they worshiped
In the holy temple fair.

And, in that solemn season
To Zacharias' sight--
Standing beside the altar--
Appeared an angel bright.

And the good priest was troubled,
When he saw the spirit form,
And fear fell on him, and he shook
Like willow in a storm.

But the angel said to him: "Fear not,
Thy prayer is heard in heaven,
And to thy wife, Elizabeth,
A son shall now be given.

"And thou shalt call the baby John,
And thou shalt have great joy;
And many shall rejoice with thee
Over this precious boy.

"And he shall in the holy sight
Of God, be great and high;
And sine, or ardent spirit,
His lips shall ne'er come nigh.

"The Holy Ghost shall early
Spread through his heart abroad.
And many of your ancient race
Shall he turn to their God.

"And in the power and spirit
Of Elias, he shall go
Before Him who is coming
To save the world from woe."

Then Zacharias, in surprise
And overwhelming bliss,
Demanded of the angel:
"Whereby shall I know this?"

And the angel, answering, said:
"I am that Gabriel,
Who stand in God's high presence,
And am sent glad news to tell.

"And, now,  because thou doubtest,
Behold thou shalt be dumb,
And shalt not speak, until the child
I have fortold has come."

Meanwhile the people waited till
The priest should come outside,
And marvelled at his long delay--
What could to him betide?

And, when to them he did appear,
And could not speak a word,
They knew that he had seen, within,
A vision from the Lord.

And so he served the temple
Until the day had come
When, his ministration over,
He departed to his home.

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