
Monday, June 25, 2018

What was known of Jesus' plans and methods of work?

       Formal organization He magnificently neglected. "Are you a society?" was asked of George Macdonald's Robert Falconer when he worked among the poor in London. "No; why should we be anything? We are an undefined company of people who have grown into human relations with each other naturally through one attractive force love for human beings. When we die, there will be no corporate body left behind to simulate life." Christ erected no machine. He dealt with persons, life. As Young points out: "He originated no series of well-concerted plans; He neither contrived nor put in motion any extended machinery; He entered into no correspondence with parties in His own country and in other regions of the world, in order to spread His influence and obtain cooperation. Even the few who were His constant companions, and were warmly attached to His person, were not, in His lifetime, imbued with His sentiments, and were not prepared to take up His work in His spirit after He was gone. He constituted no society, with its name, design, and laws all definitely fixed and formally established. He had no time to construct and to organize His life was too short and almost all He did was to speak. He spoke in familiar conversation with His friends, or at the wayside to passers-by, or to those who chose to consult him, or to large assemblies, as opportunity offered. He left behind Him a few spoken truths not a line or word of writing and a certain spirit incarnated in His principles and breathed out from His life; and then He died."
       Yet He worked with an aim. He had a work "given" Him by the Father and He wrought at this work with a plan, and in accordance with clear principles.
  •  "But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me." John 5:35 (KJB)
  • "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." John 17:4 (KJB)

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