
Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Archangel's Second Visit

The Archangel's Second Visit

Six months, and, sent again from God,
The angel Gabriel came
To a city of fair Galilee,
And Nazareth by name,

To a virgin, spouse to Joseph
Of David's royal race;
And the virgin's name was Mary,
Whose life was truth and grace.

The angel entered softly,
Where Mary sat alone,
Saying: "Hail! the Lord is with thee,
Thou highly favored one."

But, when she saw the stranger,
Mary was troubled sore;
For such a salutation
She ne'er had heard before.,

But: "Fear not," said the angel,
"For, Mary, thou hast found
Favor with God, whose goodness
And mercy doth abound.

"And thou art greatly honored,
For God hath chosen thee
To nurse the high, anointed One
Whose name shall Jesus be.

"He shall be great, and shall be called
The high Jehovah's Son
And the Lord God shall give to Him
His father David's throne.

"And he shall reign o'er Jacob's house
For ever evermore;
His Kingdom still shall flourish
When earthly reigns are o'er.

"Behold," he said, "Elizabeth,
Thy cousin, good and kind,
I've also promised her a son,
And the promise true she'll find.

"For God is the omnipotent,
All power is in His hand,
And nothing is imposible
To His Divine command."

Then Mary meekly said: "Behold
The handmaid of the Lord;
And let the honor be to me
According to thy word."

The angel then departed--
Ascending up above--
And left the gentle virgin bowed
In humble trust and love.

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