
Friday, February 17, 2017

Stained Glass Clip Art

Just a peek at some of the stained glass clip art available in our collection.
Stained glass clip art in our collection represents many styles and topics: illustrated scripture, rose windows, depictions in church buildings, Christian and Jewish symbolic language, illustrations of Bible stories etc...
All graphics/illustrations/clip art on this web journal are free to download and use for personal art projects, church related hard copy or webpages. Images are not to be redistributed in any other collections of clip art online. Please include a link back to this web journal if you use the materials for web articles.
  1. Mont Saint Michel and Chartes Window
  2. An Old Testament Covenant Window
  3. A rose window with abstract shapes
  4. Stained glass window and scriptures
  5. Jesus Intercedes On Our Behalf
  6. Man stands alone before his God
  7. Stained glass window design of Pope John XXIII
  8. Fish For Men Stained Glass Window
  9. The Conversion of St. Paul
  10. Jesus casts out the money changers...
  11. The Anointing of The Savior
  12. The widow's offering or The widow's mite
  13. Jesus warns against the teachers of the law
  14. God's chosen servant
  15. Stained Glass Nativity Illustration
  16. At the altar
  17. Jesus heals the lame and the sick
  18. A stained glass illustration of The Baptism of Christ
  19. St. Aidan of Lindisfarene
  20. Genesis 3:6
  21. Get On Board With Jesus!
  22. John 10:11
  23. Stained glass graphic of Agnus Dei
  24. Ephesians 6:24
  25. Celtic Cross Design
  26. Liturgy Text Illustrated in Stained Glass
  27. Rose Window: Yellow and Blue Geometric Pattern
  28. Rose Window: Green Geometric Pattern
  29. Stained glass menorah
  30. Tondo Cross
  31. The three offices of Christ
  32. The Sermon on The Mount
  33. Illustrated Hymns by Luther
  34. Quotes from Saint Paul
  35. Christmas Greetings from The Choir
  36. Revelation 21:3
  37. "I Thirst!"
  38. A Lighted Lamp
  39. Christ The Savior Is Born
  40. The Four Gospels
  41. Jesus, The Good Shepherd
  42. Isaiah 9:6
  43. Our Father in Faith
  44. The Prophet Elijah
  45. Samuel hears God's call
  46. Watching over Moses
  47. The Trinity Shield
  48. Jesus, Light of The World Indeed!
  49. Be Mine
  50. Baptism of The Savior
  51. Modern Palm Cross
  52. William of Ockham
  53. The Wailing 
  54. "God's Promise Fulfilled!"
  55. Alpha and Omega Cross
  56. The Four Gospels
  57. Day of Pentecost
  58. The Alpha and Omega
  59. A Hand Drawn Nativity  
  60. Alpha and Omega Inside The Bible
  61. Archangel Raphael 
  62. Stained glass keys to the kingdom...
  63. St. George and the Dragon
  64. The Everlasting Gospel Window
  65. I have given you an example..."
  66. The Prophets Window
  67. Kneeling in prayer
  68. Methuselah Window, Canterbury
  69. St. Augustine of Hippo stained glass design
  70. The Holy Family Reads The Scriptures
  71. St. John The Evangelist stained glass design
  72. Be careful about how you judge another...
  73. The Holy Trinity Window
  74. Rose Window: small Agnus Dei surrounded by saints and their professions  
  75. Rose Window: red flower
  76. Escape to Egypt
  77. Jesus and the Poor
  78. Jesus leaves the grave behind... 
  79. Lazarus Come Forth!
  80. "Thy People Shall Be My People"
  81. Lamb of God Rose Window
  82. A Blue Nativity Window (rose window)
  83. Symbols of The Church  
  84. Christening In Stained Glass 
  85. "Son thy sins be forgiven thee..." 
  86. Jonah and The Whale in Stained Glass 
  87. Window from The Middle Ages 
  88. Angel In The Window 
  89. Holy Matrimony
  90. On The Road to Damascus 
  91. Jesus with outstretched arms and symbols of Lent... 
  92. Jesus, Mary and Martha Window
  93. St. Thomas, Apostle to India 
  94. Remember who you are
  95. Jesus Grew and Grew 
  96. "Do this in remembrance of me." 
  97. Life of St. James Major in Stained Glass Design
  98. But let justice roll down like a river...
  99. Wedding feast at Cana
  100. The Grave Is Empty! 
  101. Stained glass version of 'Full Armor of God'
  102. Window design from a U. S. Navel Chapel 
Stained Glass Patterns for Christmas Ornaments:
Links To More Clip Art Collections We Love:
Last updated August 14th, 2024

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