
Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Ox Symbol

An ox symbol minus the wings.
       ''The Ox symbol is based upon our Lord's words in St. Matthew 11: 30 ''For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.'' The ox is the symbol of strength, of patience and of sacrifice, ready for either for the plough or for the altar. For this reason the ox is a symbol of our Redeemer.'' Webber

The scriptural referrences used in ''Ox'' Christmas Symbols come from:
  • ''You are to make for Me an altar of earth, and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and peace offerings, your sheep and goats and cattle. In every place where I cause My name to be remembered, I will come to you and bless you.'' Exodus 20:24
  • ''Araunah said to David, ''My Lord the king may take whatever seems good and offer it up. Here are the oxen for a burnt offering and the threshing sledges and ox yokes for the wood.'' 2 Samuel 24:22
More About The Ox As Symbol:

Hymns and Praise and Worship Music About Creatures God Has Created:
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