
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Adam and Eve Family Tree

Description of Illustration: black and white clip art of Adam and Eve and their three male descendants: Cain, Abel, and Seth referred to in Genesis, also included in the drawing is the tree producing the fruit of knowledge between good and evil, the viper represents a fallen arc angel known to those that read scripture as 'satan.' There is also a human skeleton in a casket at the couples feet that represents 'Death' This is a symbol meaning Adam and Eve's descendants are born spiritually dead and must be 'born again' through the redeemer - who is Christ.
       There are no female heirs depicted here because at the time of the record being included in scripture by the Jewish scholars, female heirs where not normally named. 
       The Book of Job, believed by scholars to be the actual oldest transcribed book included in the Bible does, however, list and name female heirs among the remembered children of Job. Job was a believer in God but not Jewish, so I guess this is one of several reasons for his female heirs to be recorded.
      And, of course, in Jesus' family tree...all mothers in direct lineage to Christ are listed and remembered and their stories are included in both the Old and New Testaments.

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