
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Holy Child

Mary and her infant, Jesus.
The Holy Child.

Rome was the world's proud mistress,
And would tax her subjects all:
Thus every man, to his own town,
Received Imperial call.

And Joseph, wed to Mary,
Must go to Judah's land,
And, with the sons of David,
Must take his lineal stand.

Then, from Nazareth, he journeyed,
With his fair and gentle spouse
To Bethlehem of Judea,
The place of David's house.

But when-- their journey ended--
They sought repose to win,
Their lodging was a stable,
So crowded was the inn. 

And to that stable, lowly,
In humble, human guise,
There came a babe most holy,
Descended from the skies.

'Tis written that the angel
Had to the virgin come,
And told her that this Holy Child
With her should make his home.

And now a rosy light from heaven
On Bethlehem's city shone;
And this was the first Christmas
The world had ever known.

For Jesus was the promised Christ,
So long ago foretold--
The Kind that all the Jewish race
Were longing to behold.

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