
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Mary's Visit to Elizabeth

Mary's Visit to Elizabeth

Now Mary felt a longing
To see her cousin dear,
And with Elizabeth to spend
A season of good cheer.

And so in haste, and early,
She started forth one day,
And journeyed to a city
In Judea's hills away.

For there dwelt Zacharias,
And Elizabeth so pure,
And, entering in, the virgin found
A welcome, warm and sure.

For the Holy Ghost gave token
To Elizabeth's glad heart,
That her visitor, in God's wise plan,
Should have a happy part.

Then out she spake, exultant,
"O, why to me accord
The honor of a visit.
From the mother of my Lord?

"And blessed is she for evermore,
Who humbly hath believed,
For every word shall come to pass
Which she from God received."

And Mary said: "O how my soul.
Jehovah magnifies!
And how my spirit joys in God,
My Savior, 'bove the skies!

"For He hath had regard unto
His handmaid's low estate,
And henceforth all shall call me blest--
The humble and the great.

"For He, the high and mighty One
Hath done to me great things,
And holy is His honored name;
His praise my spirit sings.

"His mercy they that fear His name
Enjoy from day to day;
From age to age it is the same,
And shall be so alway.

"And He hath shown abroad the strength
Of His almighty arm;
For He hath chased the proud, who sought
To do the humble harm.

"He hath put down the mighty
From their haughty seats on high;
And lifted up the lowly to
The region of the sky.

"His hand hath filled the hungry poor
With daintiest of food,
And the rich he hath sent empty
Away from hope of good.

"He hath come to the assistance
Of His servant Israel's race;
In remembrance of His mercy,
His promise and His grace,

"As He spake, in the beginning,
To Abraham, our head,
And to Jewish tribes for ever--
Naught hath failed of all He said."

After this the virgin Mary
With Elizabeth, so true,
Made a pleasant three months' visit,
Then to he home withdrew.

Now that great thing did come to pass,
Which Gabriel had foretold,
In the sacred temple service,
To Zacharias old.

And soon Elizabeth recieved
The promised baby boy;
And gazing on the heavenly gift,
Her heart was filled with joy.

And all her friends and cousins,
To whom the tidings went,
Came with their gratulations,
Upon the glad event.

Then on the day of naming
The parents both agreed
That John the infant should be called,
As Gabriel had decreed.

And the speech of Zacharias
Immediately returned;
He praised and glorified the Lord,
His heart with fervor burned.

And fear came on the neighbors all,
As these things were noised abroad;
And they said: "What kind of child is this
Who comes, foretold of God?

But the hand of God rich blessings
On the babe, each day, bestowed;
And the heart of Zacharias
With the Holy Ghost o'erflowed.

And he burst forth in thankfulness,
And praised, and prophesied
Of all the wondrous goodness
That should to me betide.

For the light of inspiration
Had shown to him, indeed,
That his son was the Elias,
Who should the Lord precede.

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