
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Cherubim and Seraphim From The Throne Room

Description of Illustration: Black and white drawing of a Seraphim. (adult figure) This is a high ranking, holy angel that occupies the throne room of God. It has multiple eyes and wings. 
      The wheel at this angel's feet is a symbolic representation of God's ability to move everywhere in any direction in both time and space. This symbol is known as Ezekiel's wheel and comes from his vision of God's throne. 
       The Seraphim is drawn to match a description of six-winged angels in the book of Isaiah chapter 6, Isaiah's vision.
       I do not know why the text ''Cherubim'' is included in the drawing. But when it comes to depictions of such heavenly creatures, the mixing of these beings identities may often be illustrated.
       In truth, there are many angelic types. However, if these were to be accurately illustrated according to Western tradition, the Seraphim are adult in nature and have different duties that they perform.
      The Cherubim are innocent of all evil and are more accurately depicted as infants. Not because they are infants in reality but because, they are as innocent as newborn babes. They are so innocent so as to not offend, the absolute holiness of God the Father.
       It is my opinion that Cherubim would be more accurately illustrated as brilliant orbs spinning in all directions with multiple wings in flight, like those of a humming bird, moving so fast as to be difficult to count or see. But let's face it, that would not be as easily drawn.
       Suffice to say, if you've got multiple wings, multiple eyes and shifting wheels among all of these creatures coming at you, you had better bend the knees and cast your eyes down people!

Have a question about the illustration? Just type it in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I only publish content that is closely related to the subject, folks.

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