
Sunday, December 24, 2023

If Christ Should Come Again

 If Christ Should Come Again
By John T. McFarland

If Christ should come again tonight,
If we should wake and hear the song
Of angels chanting in the light,
And we should see the radiant throng-

If on the calm of wintry air
Should speak again the seraph's voice, 
''Behold, good news to all I bear,
Let all the sons of men rejoice -

''The Christ has come again to earth,
Not now, as once, through gates of pain,
A babe in manger come to earth,
But crowned as King, he comes to reign''-

Would we arise in haste and go,
The light of wonder in our eyes,
And kneel and pay him reverence low,
Knowing our King in any guise?

* * * * * *

If there should rise for us a star,
A star of wondrous golden light,
And beckon us to lands afar,
And lead the way beyond our sight -

And in our hearts a voice should say, 
''This star will pause above a throne:
Faint not, but follow all the way,
To thee the King shall be made known'' -

Would we across the deserts fare,
As fared the Wise Men once of old,
Would we our treasures gladly bear,
Our myrrh, frankincense, and our gold?

And would we bow on reverent knee,
And hail him highest Lord and King,
Pledge faith and constant loyalty,
Our hearts a living offering?

* * * * * *

If Christ should come again and stand,
As once he stood by Galilee,
And to the fishers gave command, 
Leave boats and nets and follow me'' -

Would we with undivided mind,
Like Peter, quickly make our choice,
An, unregretting, leave behind
All things, and in the loss rejoice?

Would we go forth as those who heard
The Lord's command on Olives' hill,
To carry far the saving Word.
And all his purposes fulfill?

* * * * * *

Lo! Christ comes even to the least,
For each the angels grandly sing,
His star hangs ever in the east,
And each his tribute still may bring.

Still treads the Christ through marts of trade,
Still walks he on the stormy sea,
And says, ''Tis I, be not afraid,''
And still, ''Leave all and follow me.''

He comes at dusk of eventide,
When in our homes from toil we cease,
And shows again Love's palm and side,
And lifts his hand and speaks his peace.

And still is Olive's height for each,
And still for each the great command, 
''Go forth in every tongue to teach;
The cross proclaim in every land.''

Life's common ways exalted are,
Life's common work is made sublime,
By light that falls from Christmas star,
And melody of Christmas chime.

Because by sea and winding stream
The Lord Christ's footsteps still are pressed,
Earth keeps the glory of a dream,
The world and all that is are blest.

Because we hear with Christly ears,
An anthem throbs through all the earth,
A hope that swallows all our fears
Sings ever with the Lord Christ's birth.

The Lord is here, not far away,
He comes to bide from realms above;
And life is one long Christmas Day,
That binds us to immortal Love.

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