
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Tell Me, You Bright Stars That Shine


From Hickes' Devotions

Tell me, you bright Stars that shine
Round about the Lamb's high throne;
How, through bodies once like mine,
How are you thus glorious grown?

Hark! with one voice they reply;
This was all our happy skill;
We on Jesus fixed our eye,
And His eminent followers' still.

As we clearly saw their mind
Set and ruled, we ordered ours:
Both this state alone designed,
Up towards this strained all our powers.

Taught by Temperance we abstained
From all less — for greater goods:
Slighting little drops, we gained
Full, and sweet, and lasting floods.

Arm'd with Fortitude, we bare
Lesser evils, worse to fly:
Mortal death we durst out-dare,
Rather than for ever die.

Justice we observed, by giving
Every one their utmost due:
That in peace and order living,
All might freely heaven pursue.

Prudence governed all the rest;
Prudence made us still apply
What was fittest, what was best,
To advance great Charity.

On these golden wheels of grace,
That Love's fiery chariot bear,
We arrived at this blest place:
Follow us and never fear.

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