
Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Marriage Feast In Cana


There was a marriage feast in G-alilee;
The festal board was spread with viands
The joyous guests had met in commune sweet,
And he, the Man of Nazareth, was there.

Yes, he was there, that marriage, Eden-born,
Might share the sanction of his presence
That round this holy ritual he might throw
A sacred halo, glorious and complete.

"The wine has failed;" the murmuring word
is passed.
And soon from lip to lip is borne to him;
Then sweeter far than music sounds his voice,
' 'Fill ye these water vessels to the brim."  

'Tis done: and wine, rare, purple. rich, and
Th' astonished servants, smiling, bear away;
The while, methinks, the wondering guests
"Ah, we have seen strange things —
strange things to-day."

New, unferinented wine, the Master made.
Not the mad wine that fills the drunkard's
But such as he, the bridegroom, gives his
Who at the marriage of the Lamb shall sup,
And drink it new within that kingdom fair —
His Father's glorious kingdom over there.

E'en thus it is along life's rugged path;
Ofttimes it seems the wine of life is spent.
And we have nought to offer those we love
But empty vessels, tears, and discontent.

O let us fill these empty vessels full
With flowing sap, fresh from the living
And we shall find, before the feast is done,
That He has turned life's water into wine

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