
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Noah's Wife

        Noah's wife (Gen. 6:i8; 7:7, 13; 8:16, 18), in the five times that she is mentioned, is merely among those present, with the sons and sons' wives of Noah. In the first three instances, the sons come first, but in the last two the wife is listed first. There is no record of her, except that as the wife of the hero of the flood, she went with him into the ark made of gopher wood covered inside and out with pitch.
       Noah's wife became the first woman on record to make a home on a houseboat in the midst of flood waters. Like her husband, who was a just man and walked with God, probably she too had a deep consciousness of God. Her character is reflected in her family line, which continued strong for 350 years after the flood.
       It is interesting to note that Noah's wife played no part in his experience when he discovered the art of making wine and became drunk. He was found drunk by his sons. Probably his wife, had she been living, could have saved him this embarrassment, for this is the only blot on Noah's career.

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