Rhoda (Acts 12:13), a maidservant in the Jerusalem house of Mary, mother of Mark, who was the first to hear Peter knock at the gate after his miraculous escape from prison. Many had gathered to pray for him. Rhoda, knowing that they were now on their knees in Mary's upper room praying for Peter, gladly ran to tell them, before admitting him.
When she announced to them that Peter now stood at the gate, they said to Rhoda, "Thou art mad." Acts 12:15. she affirmed that Peter was there. His continued knocking brought others to the door, and when they saw Peter they knew that their prayers had been answered. An angel of the Lord appeared in the prison and Peter's chains had fallen miraculously from off his hands.
Rhoda demonstrated that she was a spiritual ally to the woman she served. Also, she was willing to serve late, for it was now long after midnight when Peter knocked and the Christians were still gathered at Mary's house.
Rhoda showed that she was intensely interested in Peter's need and anxiety and that she rejoiced in his freedom. Thus she served not only her mistress but the larger fellowship of the Church as well.
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