
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Is the desire for immortality a universal one, or must we regard it as one that appeals only to the enlightened or spiritualized heart?

       The belief in immortality and the desire of it are worldwide. Yet when we look around us and see the vast majority of the human race with their affections strongly concentrated on material things, we may well doubt whether the problem of a future life is receiving the supreme attention it merits. There are three classes.

  1. Those who really desire immortality and who try, with divine help, to mold their lives accordingly. 
  2. Those who shrink back from the great question...
  3. Those who apparently never think of it. 

This last is a very large class. What they hear on the subject seems to make no impression. Christ came to bring life and immortality to light, but there is no outward evidence that these darkened minds have ever heard and understood the message. The pursuit of riches, of pleasure, of luxury, of sinful indulgence, and of the prizes the world offers is fatal to spiritual development. Yet even such persons, once thoroughly awakened, often become the most zealous of Christians and the world's allurements seem to them a very little thing in comparison with the life to come.

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