
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Does memory of the Earthly state continue after death?

        In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:27, 28) it is clearly shown that memory of the earthly state continues after death. This is so because the soul being freed from earthly obstacles sees clearly through space. Death is only a veil and transparent to those on the other side are the things here. In two distinct passages (I Cor. 13 : 12 and II Cor. 3 : 18) Paul employs a figure of speech to convey the idea that our mortality is an obstacle to spiritual vision - a veil. Death is the shedding of the garment of mortal flesh. As the believer nears the close of life, his hold on material things becomes feebler and his spiritual perception grows clearer. The soul is preparing to loosen its material environment; it is ripening for release - the putting off of the tabernacle of this flesh (II Pet. 1: 13, 14 ; II Cor. 5:1). As the end of the journey comes into view, the spiritual vision is enabled to perceive and understand many things it could not do before. With regard to the knowledge of those on the ''other side" of what is going on here, we have scriptural evidence in support of it. Hebrews 12:1 tells us that we are encompassed with "a cloud of witnesses.'' All heaven is looking on and watching our struggles here, although our own eyes are still holden. There are other texts in Scripture which go to show that those who have passed "beyond the veil" are not indifferent to us who are left behind (see Luke 16: 19-25).

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