
Thursday, April 26, 2018

God's Music

God's Music

Since ever the world was fashioned,
Water and air and sod,
A music of divers meanings.
Has flowed from the hand of God.
In valley and gorge and upland.
On stormy mountain height.
He makes him a harp of the forest.
He sweeps the chords with might.
He puts forth his hand to the ocean.
He speaks and the waters flow -
Now in a chorus of thunder,
Now in a cadence low.
He touches the waving flower-bells.
He plays on the woodland streams -
A tender song - like a mother
Sings to her child in dreams.
But the music divinest and dearest.
Since ever the world began,
Is the manifold passionate music
He draws from the heart of man.
Temple Bar.

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