
Monday, April 9, 2018

Baptism Interpreted

At the Student Volunteer Convention in Toronto, Dr. Horace G. Underwood told the following incident:

      A copy of the Book of the Acts fell into the hands of a Korean, whose heart was touched by the truths. He gathered his villagers together and taught them its contents and they sent for missionaries to come to them. It was impossible for them to go at once, but they sent copies of the Gospels. The eager Koreans read and studied as well as they could alone, and noticing that some "washing rite" was enjoined upon the believers in the Jesus doctrine, they met to discuss how they should follow it out and thus fulfill all righteousness. They prayed over it for a time, and at last decided that each should go to his own home and reverently should wash himself in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. (Text.)

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