
Monday, January 15, 2018

Our Works Can Not Save Us

Our Works Can Not Save Us

Jesus Christ demands our whole heart,
And He will never take a part:
He our redeeming work has done,
Before our day on earth begun.
Sorrow for sin is just, and right,
Well pleasing in our Savior's sight:
But never can, for sin atone,
For Jesus himself, saves alone.
Repent, and all your sins forsake.
By grace, through faith, salvation take:
This is our work which must he done,
Before we can to Jesus come,
Yet if we partly in it trust,
Our Lord's free grace, we from us thrust.
If in our works we rest content,
Our own salvation we prevent:
And yet we must repentant be,
Before we can salvation see.
There's no salvation in good deeds,
Man's righteousness, he vainly pleads:
For his transgression of God's law.
Which none have kept without a flaw.
Our sin, and vileness, Lord we plead,
Thou art indeed our friend in need.
For our best works will not supply
Our souls with joy after we die.
But when in that bright world above,
We taste of our Redeemer's love
We shall see our good works in time,
Recorded by the hand divine.
by Collings

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