Friday, December 1, 2023

The Ark Symbol

An illustration of Noah's Ark that suggests dimension.

      Although, Christians have often used ships to symbolize the larger Christian Church, Noah's ark in particular is most often used in temples and churches to represent "the preservation of God's creation." This is because the ark as a vessel was built for that very insure that a small portion of God's created animals and people were saved from the great flood or God's judgement. What does this have to do with Christmas, you might ask? Well, Jesus is frequently referred to by Christians as the ark of Salvation from death! 

A flat stylized version of Noah's Ark. See it as a salt dough ornament.

Similar to the arc symbol, but different, is the ark
illustrated during a storm. This subtle difference
changes the symbol into a ''Deluge'' reference. 
Symbolic for a period of testing and trouble.

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