
Friday, March 10, 2017

Good Shepherd Clip Art Index

Samples of Good Shepherds, flocks and The Agnus Dei.
Under this index I will include sheep, lambs, shepherds, The Good Shepherd and The Lamb of God, Agnus Dei.

All graphics/illustrations/clip art on this web journal are free to download and use for personal art projects, church related hard copy or webpages. Images are not to be redistributed in any other collections of clip art online. Please include a link back to this web journal if you use the materials for web articles. Link to

Jesus, The Good Shepherd:
  1. The Good Shepherd - collage
  2. A Good Shepherd with The Cross (King David - prefigure of Christ)
  3. John 10:11
  4. Jesus, The Good Shepherd
  5. He'll Carry You
  6. The Good Shepherd - black and white clip art
Agnus Dei Clip Art: Jesus as the Lamb of God
Shepherds, Goats and Sheep - Both Modern and Ancient:
  1. Modern Shepherd
  2. He plays music for the sheep...
  3. Algerian Shepherds
  4. Watering The Goats in Palestine
  5. Stained Glass Nativity Illustration
  6. Lamentations 3: 22,23
  7. Moses and The Burning Bush
  8. Leaping Lambs!
  9. A Proverb For Parents 
Page last updated April 20th, 2018

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