
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ancient Artifacts and People

The banner above shows a few samples of the kind of clip art that may be found below.
This collection of ancient clip art includes artifacts and people closely associated with Biblical events, customs and history. I keep it primarily for scholars, teachers and students who may be researching Biblical topics or illustrating something they are covering in a Bible study group. Scholars may also find the clip art here helpful in illustrating a paper or in assembling a Power Point etc...

All graphics/illustrations/clip art on this web journal are free to download and use for personal art projects, church related hard copy or webpages. Images are not to be redistributed in any other collections of clip art online. Please include a link back to this web journal if you use the materials for web articles.
  1. Clip Art of Roman Soldiers
  2. Everyday Life in Egypt
  3. Water Carriers
  4. Panniers on A Syrian Donkey
  5. Oil Lamp With a Sculpted Figure
  6. Illustration of Ancient Rome
  7. From the land of Sheba...
  8. Ancient Hand-Bells
  9. Display of Human Barbarism
  10. Ancient Assyrian Artifacts
  11. Prutah or Widow's Mites
  12. Illustration of a Chalice
  13. Communion Artifacts
  14. Ancient Oil Lamps
  15. Women of Cairo Egypt
  16. Ancient Egyptian Country Home
  17. Ancient Egyptian Galley
  18. Ancient Egyptian Archer
  19. Genesis 41:38
  20. Exodus 4:21
  21. A Pastel of Pharoah's Daughter
  22. Ancient Hanukkah Lamp 
  23. Entry of a Horde of Semitic Nomads... 
  24. Inside the Tabernacle of The Wilderness 
  25. Crafting brick in ancient Egypt
  26. Death of the first born... 
  27. The Ark of The Covenant 
  28. Christian Martyrs Burned Alive in Nero's Court

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