
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Golden Harvest

Illustration Described: black and white illustrated poem called "The Golden Harvest", pumpkins in the field, horn of plenty, farmer, ladder and apple tree, corn stalks, barn, bushels of fruit, harvest time

The wealth of nature by the grace of God
A wondrous bounty yields,
There is the richness of the golden rod
That blooms beside the fields,
And there are seas of golden grain,
golden pumpkins dot the plain
And apples rich in color fall,
While golden shines the light o'er all.

The golden ears of corn are gathered now,
The golden fodder packed,
And here and there doth gleam the golden mow
Where precious hay is stacked.
The riches of the world are vain.
To buy the wealth of golden grain.
To intake the storehouse of overflow,
Save the good God should will it so.

So for this golden harvest let us give
Our thanks in heartfelt song,
And let us worthy of this bounty live
And join the world's glad throng.
For deeds are golden - and 'tis right
That gold for gold should but requite.
The mercy that our God bestows, 
With which our measure overflows.

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