
Monday, June 1, 2015

Vintage Rally Day Illustrations

This vintage “Rally Day” postcard reads: 
“We’ve a goal to make in our Sunday School,
And for making goals there is but one rule:
Start with a rush and go with a vim,
And do your prettiest, sink or swim!
Thus for our goal we shall race away,
Won’t you be with us on Rally Day?”
Pil. 3:13-14 included 
“Reaching forth unto those things which are 
before, I press toward the mark for the prize.” 
This Rally Day postcard includes a lovely old 
plane and it reads:
Rally Day
Next Sunday!
Swift is our air-ship the tidings to bear,
See the glad messages filling the air;
Greetings that picture our church’s delights,
Voice of the air-ship that kindly invites;
Come to the joys of our Sunday-School home,
Come to our Rally Day Sunday oh, come!
Scripture Included: Psalm 95:6
“Oh come let us worship” 
Description of Illustration: vintage Rally Day postcards, fully restored color, vintage airplane and children

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