
Friday, April 10, 2015


Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? He that speaketh truth in hit
heart. Ps. Iv. 23. Thy word is Truth. John xvii. 17.


Truth, glorious truth, of heavenly birth, and fair,
In simple majesty array 'd, is there ;
Her right hand holds the faithful mirror clear,
Where all things open as the light appear :
Her left, upon the sacred page reclines,
Where unadulterate truth resplendent shines ;
The world's false mask she tramples down with scorn,
Adorn'd the most when she would least adorn-
As her own temple on the margin seen,
Stands forth reflected in the silvery stream ; y
So what by her is thought, or said, or done,
Appears conspicuous as the noonday sun ;
Truth is the image of our God above.
That shines reflected in his sea of love.
All hail, bless'd Truth ! thou daughter of the skies.
Reign thou on earth, and bid earth's sons arise ;
Bid Virtue lead, and Justice hold the scale,
For thou art mighty, and wilt soon prevail.

      Truth is represented in the drawing above in the person of an artless female. She is attired with simplicity. In her right hand she holds a mirror. As the mirror reflects objects that pass before it as they are, without addition, alteration, or diminution, so Truth presents every thing just as it is. The left hand rests on the Holy Bible. This is to show that it is from thence she derives the principles which regulate her conduct, the source of unadulterated truth to mankind. She is seen trampling a mask beneath her feet. It is the mask of hypocrisy, which she rejects with scorn, as being utterly at variance with her principles and feelings. In the background stands the Temple of Truth, the image of which is plainly reflected by the clear, placid stream that glides before it.
      Truth, in an evangelical sense, is all-important. It alone will give character to an individual, more than all other qualities put together. It is of itself a rich inheritance, of more worth than mines of silver and gold. It is more ennobling than the highest titles conferred by princes. Everybody loves to be respected, but an individual to be loved and respected must be known. He only can be known who speaks the truth from his heart, and acts the truth in his life. We may guess at others, but as we do not know we cannot respect them, for like pirates they oftentimes sail under false colors.
      " Nothing is beautiful except Truth," is a maxim of the French, although it has been most deplorably neglected. Nevertheless, the sentiment is correct. Truth is glorious wherever found ; Jesus, who is "the truth" is the altogether lovely, and the fairest among ten thousand. Truth is the glory of youth, and the diadem of the aged. But Truth is essential to happiness, both in this world and also in the next. For " what man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days that he may see good? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile."Lord, who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that
" speaketh the truth." It is related of Cyrus, that, when asked what was the first thing he learned, he replied, " To tell the truth." Cyrus must have been very fortunate in having such good instructors. Lord Chesterfield would have instructed him differently.
      In the days of Daniel, (as the tradition says,) the wise men were ordered by the king to declare what was the strongest thing on earth. Each man brought in his answers ; one said wine was the strongest, another mentioned women ; Daniel declared that Truth was the most powerful, which answer pleased the king, and the palm of victory was decreed to Daniel.

"Seize, then, on truth where'er 'tis found,
Among your friends, among your foes ;
On Christian or on heathen ground,
The plant's divine where'er it grows."

      Let not mercy and truth forsake thee ; bind them about thy neck ; write them upon the table of thine heart : so shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Prov. iii. 3.
      The lip of truth shall be established forever : but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Prov. xii. 19.
      Buy the truth and sell it not. Prov. xxii. 23. Lie not against the truth. James iii. 11. Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth. Zech. viii. 16.
      Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord ; but they that deal truly are his delight. Prov. xii. 23.

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